ALERT: Urge Your U.S. Senators to OPPOSE the So-Called “Equality Act”

H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” passed the U.S. House last week by a vote of 224-206 and is now pending in the U.S. Senate. President Joe Biden has vowed to sign this misnamed and highly discriminatory bill into law within his first 100 days in office, but the bill’s passage in the U.S. Senate is […]
U.S. House Passes “In-Equality Act”

This afternoon the U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 to adopt H.R. 5, the so-called “Equality Act,” which would enshrine “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as legally protected classes in a myriad of federal laws. The vote fell along party lines, with only three Republicans (Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, John Katko of New York, […]
Help Fight the Spread of Local SOGI Ordinances Across NC

Following the sunset late last year of a law that prohibited local governments from passing ordinances to regulate employment and public accommodations, six North Carolina cities and counties have voted to elevate “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) to the status of legally protected classes. More localities are being pressured to considering similar measures. As NC […]
ALERT: Oppose Federal “Equality Act”

H.R. 5, the so-called federal “Equality Act,” was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday, February 18, and a vote on this bill could take place as early as next week. If this legislation passes Congress, it will almost certainly be approved by President Biden, who vowed to sign it into law within his […]
POV: Giving Kids a Chance

In January, a North Carolina poll on education returned what I found to be some sad, but pretty unsurprising, results. Writing about the poll, the John Locke Foundation’s Terry Stoops said, As in previous polls, respondents believe that parents should be in charge of their children’s education. Over 77 percent say that parents are best suited to determine where a […]
AT ISSUE: For Such A Time As This
For almost two years, NC Family has been discussing crafting a feature article to address the declining state of mental health in America. With suicide rates the highest that they have been since World War II, we all understood there was something dire going on in our nation that we needed to share with our […]
On the Horizon at the NC General Assembly
The 2021-2022 legislative session of the North Carolina General Assembly began January 13, 2021. The state House and Senate welcomed several new members, and while the Republicans retained control of both chambers, the majority margins have slightly changed. Democrats picked up one seat in the state Senate, reducing the GOP majority to 28-22; and Republicans […]
Bills of Interest During First Week of the 2021 Legislative Session

In addition to bills dealing with COVID relief funding and getting students back into the classroom, North Carolina lawmakers have filed a number of bills of interest during the first full week of the 2021 Legislative Session. Here is a snapshot of several of those bills: Senate Bill 35 and House Bill 41 — Amend […]
UPDATE: N.C. Board of Ed Revises, Then Approves Social Studies Standards

The State Board of Education voted to approve a revised draft of the proposed K-12 Social Studies Standards on Thursday afternoon. These Standards had become the subject of much controversy during the past couple of weeks, but ultimately, Board Members voted 7-5 to adopt “Draft 5” of the Standards. This new version includes a revised […]
ALERT: NC Family Warns State Board of Education Against Proposed Social Studies Revisions

Yesterday, NC Family sent a letter to the members of the North Carolina State Board of Education, expressing our concern with the Proposed Standards Revisions for K-12 Social Studies that the Board is currently considering. These revisions appear to deal primarily with Critical Race Theory, which, according to a December 2020 Heritage Foundation report, “makes […]