Connecticut District Court Dismisses Plea to Protect Girls-Only Sports

Yesterday, The U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut dismissed a case brought by four female high school athletes challenging the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) policy which allows biological males to compete on female sports teams. The four athletes are represented by our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), and have announced that […]
“Save Women’s Sports Act” Gets Hearing in NC House Committee

North Carolina’s Save Women’s Sports Act came before the NC House Judiciary 1 Committee today for discussion, but no votes were taken on the bill. House Bill 358 would protect the rights of women and girls in sports by preventing biological males who identify as female from participating on female sports teams. The bill does […]
SCOTUS Upholds First Amendment Rights

When a person’s First Amendment freedoms are suppressed or taken away, they have been deprived of their most core, fundamental American rights. While monetary harm may not exist, the person has certainly suffered harm. Thanks to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Americans can now hold officials accountable when their rights are violated, even if […]
Families and Lawmakers Affirm School Choice Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic

The rates of children being schooled at home have risen dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a recent survey released by the U.S. Census Bureau, the national homeschool rate rose 5.6% from Spring 2020 to Fall 2020. “The survey shows that homeschooling is notably higher than the national benchmarks,” the Census researchers said in […]
Lt. Governor Announces Task Force to Protect Students from Indoctrination

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson recently announced the creation of a new task force aimed at protecting students in our state from being taught materials that are inappropriate or politically biased. The Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students (F.A.C.T.S) task force will be made up of 12 members, including teachers, […]
ACTION ALERT: Help Save Women’s Sports in North Carolina!

A bill has been filed in the North Carolina General Assembly to preserve girls’ and women’s sports in middle school, high school, and at the collegiate level, and to ensure a level playing field for female athletes. HB 358—Save Women’s Sports Act would require athletic teams to be designated—based on biological sex—as either: (1) males, men, […]
The Real Victims of Transgender Ideology (Part 2)

Many of us have potentially become numb to the issue of the so-called “Equality Act” that has been the subject of so much controversy and debate over the past several months. As we await the U.S. Senate’s vote on this dangerous legislation, it is important to remember the ramifications of this bill should it pass. […]
The Real Victims of Transgender Ideology (Part 1)

If you’ve been tuned into recent activities in our nation’s capital, or if you’ve been responding to NC Family’s multiple Action Alerts, you’re undoubtedly aware of the so-called “Equality Act,” which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on February 25. This dangerous legislation would elevate “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to legally protected status alongside […]
POV: Reviewing Irreversible Damage and Transgender Ideology

I recently read Abigail Shrier’s “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.” It’s almost certainly the most important book I’ll read this year. It’s also probably the most controversial. Google the title and you’ll see what I mean. Major publications like The Economist and The Times of London have praised the book in the highest terms. Others have […]
The Future of NC Schools

Over the past year, we have talked a lot about the status of education in North Carolina, and many have debated how to best continue the critical education of our children in a safe manner. Many public charter and private schools in our state have offered some manner of in-person education for a while now, […]