Awake, Not Woke (Part 2)

While the “woke” movement claims to be putting an end to discrimination and oppression, the truth is actually the opposite. The woke agenda often directly harms those vulnerable groups it claims to be protecting, such as women and ethnic minorities, and it oppresses anyone who dares to disagree with its ideology So argues Noelle Mering, […]

Virginia: A Resounding Victory for Parents and Children Beyond the Commonwealth!

Last night’s election results in Virginia have sent a shockwave across our nation and a resounding message that parents, children, and conservative pro-family values still matter! In the wake of bitter battles over Critical Race Theory and policies that promote “sexual orientation” and “gender Identity” (SOGI) by allowing boys in girls’ bathrooms, and books and […]

Awake, Not Woke (Part 1)

The phrase “being woke” has become synonymous with radical progressive ideologies including transgender activism, Critical Race Theory, and often neo-Marxist policies. Those not viewed as woke often become targets of the so-called “cancel culture,” wherein unfavorable views are rejected, marginalized, and silenced. The enemy of the woke is the faith and the family, according to […]

POV: A Personal and Problematic Student Survey (Warning—Adult Content)

In August, schools across North Carolina began administering the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The YRBS is a survey, created by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1990, that’s administered every other year to students in middle and high school throughout the country. According to the CDC, the aim of the survey […]

PERSPECTIVE: A Stream of Life in a Time of Drought

Every day it seems like the world is spinning further out of control. COVID-19 infection rates are spiking again around the globe. The Taliban has wrested control of Afghanistan after an announced American troop withdrawal, and many of that nation’s citizens are fleeing for their lives. Catastrophe has hit the island nation of Haiti once […]

Christian Schools Should Be Thoroughly Christian (and not just for legal reasons)

~ This article originally appeared on the Colson Center’s BreakPoint Podcast on September 14, 2021, and is reprinted here with their permission ~ Last week, a U.S. District judge ruled against a Catholic school [in North Carolina] that had fired a male teacher for announcing that he planned to marry his male partner. Coming from […]

Gov. Cooper Vetoes Bill Banning CRT

Governor Roy Cooper recently vetoed a bill designed to prohibit the promotion of highly contentious racial subject matter in North Carolina public schools. HB 324—Ensuring Dignity & Nondiscrimination/Schools passed the NC General Assembly on September 1, and was intended to ban the indoctrination of students in concepts like critical race theory and other related controversial ideologies in […]

Stop Removing Parents from the Equation

Many Americans have heard about or in some cases even felt the growing assault on parental rights in recent years. Decisions that have for so long rested with parents are, in many areas, being passed to schools, government entities, or in some cases, the children themselves. From underaged abortion to life-altering “gender reassignment” surgeries, children—and […]

Bill Banning CRT Passes NC Legislature

The North Carolina General Assembly officially passed a bill today that is designed to prohibit the promotion of highly contentious racial subject matter in North Carolina public schools. As NC Family shared last week, HB 324—Ensuring Dignity & Nondiscrimination/Schools is intended to ban the indoctrination of students in concepts like critical race theory and other related controversial […]

Bill to Ban CRT Indoctrination in Public Schools Passes NC Senate

A bill designed to prohibit the promotion of highly contentious racial subject matter in North Carolina public schools passed the State Senate this week, but only after sparking major partisan fireworks along the way. HB 324—Ensuring Dignity & Nondiscrimination/Schools is intended to ban the indoctrination of students in concepts like critical race theory and other […]