NC’s Economy in 2022

While the economic impact of the COVID-19 continues to be felt across the country, from inflation to supply chain issues, North Carolina remains one of the best states in the country to do business and raise a family. Though the economic impact of this pandemic is visible, our state is in a much stronger position […]

Best of Family Policy Matters 2021

This week on Family Policy Matters, we have a special year end show for you, featuring excerpts from some of the most popular episodes of Family Policy Matters that aired throughout 2021. We hear from Noelle Mering, author of Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology, about the dangers of […]

Unpacking C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man

C.S. Lewis is arguably one of the most popular authors and Christian apologists of the 20th century. His Chronicles of Narnia fiction series has captivated generations of children, while nonfiction books like Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain have unpacked complicated theological concepts and questions in accessible terms. But The Abolition of Man is […]

Greater Threats on the Horizon (Part 2)

Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino spoke at NC Family’s Charlotte and Winston-Salem Dinners this fall. Severino currently serves as senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and he spoke at both dinners about his work at HHS in the […]

Recapping the 2021 “Long” Legislative Session

The North Carolina General Assembly has been in session since January 27, 2021, making this the longest uninterrupted “long” legislative session in a decade. Earlier this week, both the State House and Senate passed an Adjournment Resolution calling on the General Assembly to adjourn the regular session on Friday, December 10 and to reconvene on […]

Greater Threats on the Horizon (Part 1)

Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino spoke at NC Family’s Charlotte and Winston-Salem Dinners this fall. Severino currently serves as senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and he spoke at both dinners about his work at HHS in the […]

Breaking Down Congress’s Budget-Busting Bills

As Governor Roy Cooper signs the state budget into law this week, two federal spending bills have been making their way through Congress, and they contain some troubling policy implications for North Carolina families. One of these spending bills is entitled the “Build Back Better Bill,” and at 2,100 pages long, it can seem nearly […]

2021 Winston-Salem Dinner with Roger Severino

NC Family’s 2021 Major Speakers Dinner in Winston-Salem, NC on November 9, 2021 featured former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino. Mr. Severino spoke about the work he and his colleagues at the Office for Civil Rights did for life and religious liberty under the […]

Fighting Indoctrination in Public Schools

As many parents have gotten an up-close look at their children’s school curriculum thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been shocked to see some of what schools are attempting to teach their children. Parents in Virginia, in particular, have been vocal in their opposition to various progressive, divisive, and (in some cases) explicit teachings […]

Watch Roger Severino’s Address from the 2021 Winston-Salem Dinner

NC Family’s 2021 Major Speakers Dinner in Winston-Salem, NC on November 9, 2021 featured former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino. Mr. Severino spoke about the work he and his colleagues at the Office for Civil Rights did for life and religious liberty under the […]