State Senate Committees Pass “Parents’ Bill of Rights”

This week, the N.C. Senate Education and Health Care Committees passed an amended version of HB 755, originally called Academic Transparency and now entitled Parents’ Bill of Rights. This bill would affirm, strengthen, and protect the rights of parents in North Carolina to take an active role in their child’s education and health care, while […]
Join NC Family at the Homeschool Thrive! Conference

Please plan to join NC Family, along with numerous school choice advocates and homeschool organizations, in attending a special homeschool conference starting this Thursday, May 26. The annual Thrive! Conference is hosted by North Carolinians for Home Education, and welcomes thousands of homeschooling parents, advocates, and students for three days of workshops, seminars, and keynote […]
Family North Carolina Spring/Summer 2022 Magazine is Here!

NC Family is excited to announce the arrival of the Spring/Summer 2022 edition of our flagship publication, Family North Carolina magazine. In a world steeped in unknowns and uncertainty, Family North Carolina seeks to provide a voice of reason, insight, and inspiration. The Spring/Summer 2022 edition should have already arrived in your mailboxes, and if not, it will be there […]
Mama Bear 101: How to Protect Your Kids

Parents are becoming increasingly aware of the myriad of overt and subtle ways individuals and organizations today attempt to sever the parent-child connection. From the library to the pediatrician’s office, the soccer team to the classroom, the odds seem to be stacked against parents who wish to be present, informed, involved, and in control of […]
Fighting for Fundamental Rights

“The child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” So said the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1925 case of Pierce v. Society of Sisters. The State of Oregon had […]
Faith & Values Summit in Charlotte, May 24

Please plan to join NC Family along with other pro-life and pro-family organizations and individuals for a North Carolina Faith & Values Summit featuring former Vice President Mike Pence. This exciting event, hosted by NCGOP, will take place on Tuesday, May 24 at Freedom House Church in Charlotte (2638 Salome Church Road). Doors open at […]
The Fight for Parental Rights

Over the past two years, one of the few positives to come out of school shutdowns and a massive rise in schooling from home is that many parents have woken up to the inappropriate content their children are often being exposed to in school. Parents across the country are now fighting back against the rise […]
The Past and Future of School Choice

North Carolina has seen numerous gains in regards to school choice over the past two years. Though we hear a lot about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on schools and school performance, enrollment in schools of choice across the state has skyrocketed. Our friends at Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina have been […]
Celebrate National School Choice Week, January 23-29

National School Choice Week will take place next week, from January 23–29. Started in 2011, National School Choice Week is “the world’s largest celebration of opportunity in education,” according to the NSCW website. While there is not a formal national event, hundreds of schools will take this opportunity to celebrate choice in education in a […]
5 Ways to Make America More Family Friendly

Here at NC Family, we are dedicated to serving families and advocating for pro-family policy. But there are often conflicting opinions on just what families need when it comes to public policy. Recent initiatives and legislation, particularly at the national level, that are purported to help families—such as the Build Back Better bill—contain measures that […]