Opening Doors for School Choice in North Carolina (with Mike Long)

North Carolina has long been a national leader in school choice. One of the primary programs that enables parents to choose the school that is the best fit for their child is the Opportunity Scholarship Program, which offers scholarship money to families of all incomes. This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs […]
Noble U: Equipping the Next Generation (with Steve Noble)

Ronald Reagan once said that freedom is “never more than one generation away from extinction.” This is why it is critical to invest in the next generation, so that they understand our government and can engage in civics in a meaningful way. It is even more important, though, that they have a Biblical worldview, and […]
Recent Veto Override Makes Expanded Opportunity Scholarship Funding Now Available!

On November 20th, The North Carolina General Assembly overrode Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of HB 10—Require ICE Cooperation & Budget Adjustments, which included expanded funding for the state’s Opportunity Scholarship Program. That means that more than 54,000 additional students and families in North Carolina are now able to take advantage of Opportunity Scholarships. In addition, […]
Opportunity Scholarship Veto Override, Additional Disaster Relief Bill, and Election Updates

Welcome to this week’s episode of NC Family’s Weekly Update, where we share the highlights of the past week at the N.C. General Assembly and beyond. In this episode, we discuss: The passage of a bill that expands the Opportunity Scholarship Program after it was vetoed by the Governor; A bill that would provide additional […]
NC General Assembly Overrides Governor’s Veto of Opportunity Scholarship Funding

This week, the North Carolina General Assembly convened to consider several different issues, including overriding Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of HB 10—Require ICE Cooperation & Budget Adjustments, which includes additional funding for North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship school choice program. The State House met on Tuesday afternoon and voted to override Governor Cooper’s veto by a […]
AT ISSUE: Guard Your Hearts

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” ~ Proverbs 4:23 When I was growing up, there was a tv show that all my friends were watching. Some of the characters had attitudes and were disrespectful to others on the show; the overall morals the show promoted were fuzzy […]
Children are under attack. Christians must protect them.

There’s a group of people who are under assault in this country and have been for decades – but have not been properly recognized as such. It’s not women. It’s not minorities. It’s not immigrants. It’s not Christians. It’s children. Every facet of child rights and well-being is being threatened. Those threats can be seen […]
The North Carolina Study Center Spotlight

For parents and students alike, the start of freshman year of college can be daunting. A new chapter where students have the opportunity to choose what they become involved with and who they will be. Thankfully for Christian parents and students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, there is a place that […]
Helping Students Find Truth at UNC-Chapel Hill (with Madison Perry)

College is a transformative time for many people as they explore who they are and what they believe. While many walk away from their faith during this time, many grow in their walk with Christ. There are countless campus ministries designed to help students become closer to Christ in North Carolina, including ministries known as […]
NIL’s Judicial Time Machine

On October 1st, NC Family let you know that the public comment period began for the State Board of Education’s proposed policy regarding name, image, and likeness (NIL) for high school athletes in North Carolina. Although that comment process remains open‚—including a public hearing on November 8—a Wake County judge has superseded the normal policymaking […]