I cannot urge you strongly enough to get out and vote today!

I cannot urge you strongly enough to get out and vote today!

Dear Friends,

Election Day 2016 has finally arrived!  If you did not take advantage of early voting, I cannot urge you strongly enough to get out and vote today!

If you are still sitting on the fence about voting, please consider the following:

  1. Like no election in the past, YOUR vote can make a difference! Polls consistently show that the races in North Carolina for President, U.S. Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor, N.C. Supreme Court, N.C. Attorney General, etc. will be decided by razor-thin margins. Essentially every poll in recent days shows these races falling within the margin of error, meaning EVERY VOTE COUNTS! These races literally could be decided by a handful of votes, and your vote could make the difference.
  2. Your sacrifice of time and effort today will honor those who made the “ultimate sacrifice” to protect your right to vote!  As Americans, we are blessed to live in the freest nation in the world and are privileged to have the right to select our own leaders. This right did not come without a cost but was secured by generations of Americans before us who gave their very lives to defend our freedom and liberty. You can honor the sacrifice of these courageous Americans by taking the time to exercise your right and privilege to vote today!
  3. As Christians, we can honor God with our vote! In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ tells us, “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5: 13-14). Part of being salt and light is engaging the culture and taking our civic responsibility seriously, including voting. Proverbs 29:2 states, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Supporting candidates who recognize God as the ultimate authority and who stand for Biblical principles honors God and blesses our neighbor. Watch this one-minute video about Honoring God When We Vote and please share it on social media today!

Here are some helpful voting resources:

  • Go to ncfamilyvoter.com to get your very own personalized Voter Guide from NC Family to better understand where your candidates stand on critical issues like sanctity of life, religious liberty, bathroom access, parental rights, educational choice, tax policy, etc.
  • If you don’t know where you vote, visit the NC Board of Elections website to identify your polling location.
  • Visit the NC Board of Elections NC Public Voter Search webpage and type in your name and county to obtain your voting record and sample ballot.

Thank you for your good work throughout this election season! On this final day, let’s make one last push to make sure all of our friends and neighbors are getting out to vote!



John L. Rustin
President, NC Family