Born-Alive Veto Override Vote Scheduled for Wednesday, June 5!

Born-Alive Veto Override Vote Scheduled for Wednesday, June 5!

The vote to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of SB 359-Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act has been scheduled for next Wednesday, June 5 in the NC House. This is the last vote necessary for this critical, life-saving bill to be enacted into law, and WE NEED YOUR HELP TO PUSH SB 359 OVER THE FINISH LINE!

NC Speaker of the House Rep. Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) announced the vote via a press release, saying, “State House Republicans are urging more of their Democratic colleagues to support the bill and protect North Carolinians who are born alive and surviving on their own outside of a mother’s womb.”

Before the House votes on this vital legislation, NC Family urges you to CALL your State Representative to ask them to support the veto override and to encourage their fellow House members to do the same.

Visit NC Family’s Action Center to easily call your member of the State House and ask them to override Gov. Cooper’s veto of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

We also encourage you to come to the Legislative Building in downtown Raleigh next Wednesday, June 5 to stand in support of this important measure! (The Legislative Building is located at 16 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601.)

“North Carolina’s leaders must take a stand together and say that we aren’t New York, we aren’t Virginia, we won’t allow or try to let a living, breathing child that is born alive be left to die on their own without any care in our state,” said Rep. Pat McElraft (R-Carteret), a lead sponsor of the House’s “Born-Alive” legislation. “These little babies are North Carolinians who made it alive into our state and are surviving on their own. They’re worthy of our protection.”

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is not a bill about party politics; it is about saving the lives of living, breathing, defenseless newborn babies. Please CALL YOUR HOUSE MEMBER TODAY!