Bill Would Prohibit Abortion in NC Due to Race, Down Syndrome

Bill Would Prohibit Abortion in NC Due to Race, Down Syndrome

In 2013, the N.C. General Assembly passed a bill to prohibit “sex-selective abortions” in North Carolina, where the sex of the unborn child is a significant factor in the mother seeking an abortion. Today, HB 453—Human Life Non-Discrimination Act/No Eugenics was introduced in the N.C. House to also protect unborn babies from abortion because of race or Down syndrome. In essence, this bill would prohibit a physician from performing an abortion “if the abortion is being sought because of the actual or presumed race of the unborn child, the sex of the child, or because of the presence or presumed presence of Down syndrome” in the unborn child.

NC Family president John L. Rustin responded to the introduction of HB 453, saying “We are extremely grateful to the co-sponsors of this important bill for their efforts to protect the most vulnerable among us. Every human life is worthy of dignity and respect—regardless of race, sex or genetic condition—and the lives of these precious, innocent babies must be valued and protected.”

HB 453 is co-sponsored by Reps. Pat McElraft (R-Carteret), John Bradford (R-Mecklenburg), Kristin Baker (R-Cabarrus), and Dean Arp (R-Union). Senators Joyce Krawiec (R-Forsyth) and Amy Galey (R-Alamance) will be carrying this bill on Senate side.

At a press conference this afternoon, the bill sponsors and several pro-life advocates discussed the importance of this bill, with the slogan “Celebrate Every Life.” “HB 453 directly addresses a modern tragedy,” said Rep. McElraft, “eugenic abortion. All babies, born and unborn, have intrinsic dignity and worth.

Rep. Arp echoed his colleague’s statement, saying, “We do not want to be the kind of society that disposes of a child because of how God created it.”

Bill sponsors also welcomed families and individuals who have experienced or been touched by Down syndrome to share their stories. Melinda Delahoyde, president of Gateway Women’s Care in Raleigh, and her adult son, Will, spoke about Will’s experience with Down syndrome. Will shared that he has been a bagger at Whole Food’s for eighteen years, but what he really does is “make people happy.” Melinda continued, “People with Down syndrome show us the best of who we can be.”

Please join NC Family in praying for passage of this life-saving legislation that affirms the beauty and value of the most vulnerable and innocent among us. We will continue to update you as this bill moves through the legislature.