Be a Voice for the Voiceless, Tomorrow, May 5

Be a Voice for the Voiceless, Tomorrow, May 5

Come be a “Voice for the Voiceless,” tomorrow, May 5, during Pro-Life Lobby Day at the North Carolina General Assembly! Sponsored by North Carolina Right to Life, the event is a way for pro-life North Carolinians to support pro-life legislation, like the bill that would extend the informed consent waiting period for abortion from 24 to 72 hours, and to oppose legislation that would allow physician assisted suicide in North Carolina.

The North Carolina Family Policy Council is a participating organization in this event, and we will have a table set up at the Legislative Building. Stop by anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to meet with us and other pro-life organizations assembled in the 1000 and 1100 courts inside the Legislative Building.

Pro-Life Lobby Day will begin in ernest at 11:30 a.m. in the 3rd floor Auditorium of the Legislative Building (16 W. Jones Street), where attendees will hear presentations on pro-life bills from lawmakers. From 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., pro-life citizens are encouraged to meet with their legislators to show support for House Bill 465-72 Hour Informed Consent by Person or Phone and to oppose House Bill 611-Death With Dignity Act. From 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., pro-lifers are encouraged to sit in the House and Senate galleries as our state lawmakers meet for daily session.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!