Coffee, Community, and Celebrating Every Life

At any given point before 3 p.m. each day, I probably have a cup of coffee on hand. Hot, cold, fancy, or simple, I am a coffee person. In addition to my passion for coffee, I also have a passion for public health, entrepreneurship, and creative problem solving. Imagine my delight when I heard that […]

AT ISSUE: Prioritizing What Matters

This has been quite the year so far! The North Carolina General Assembly has been busy working on bills covering everything from the sanctity of human life, to parental rights, to fairness in women’s sports, to gambling expansion, and we have been right alongside them the entire time, fighting to support good legislation and oppose […]

“Success Sequence” Reinforces Benefits of Traditional Principles

I’m a Zillennial. This isn’t an official generation, but I fall right on the cusp of Millennials and Gen Z, and social media has created this term for people around my age who don’t identify with just one generation. For example, I clearly remember VHS tapes, but most 90s pop references are lost on me. […]

The Life Lesson I Learned from Watching the Fight to Expand Casino Gambling

Several weeks ago, in our staff devotional on Monday morning, we discussed the story of David and Goliath. While we were all familiar with the classic Bible story, our discussion centered around the historical and cultural details that reinforced just how little of a chance David stood against the giant Goliath. A young boy with […]

True Women’s Empowerment: The Positive Impact of Pregnancy Resource Centers

Surprise! You just found out that you’re pregnant, and this was not a part of your plan. Based on statistics from the Guttmacher Institute, you are probably between the ages of 18 and 24, have low income, didn’t finish high school, and aren’t married. The thought of figuring out medical appointments, 2 a.m. feedings, and […]

AT ISSUE: A Season of Learning

Putting this magazine together has been a season of learning for me. To start with, I’ve never put together a magazine, so the process itself was new to me (I was a staff member for the student newspaper in college, but that’s not quite the same thing). Even more than that, though, each of the […]

A NC Coffee Shop Celebrates Individuals With a “dis-Ability”

This past Tuesday was World Down Syndrome Day, and the theme this year is ‘With Us Not For Us,’ focusing on the fact that “people with disabilities have the right to be treated fairly and have the same opportunities as everyone else, working with others to improve their lives.” This made me think of one […]

POV: The Difference Between a “Fetus” and a “Baby”

This week is National Words Matter Week, which is designed to be a, “call to action to remind ourselves that our words and how we communicate with others truly matter.” While there probably aren’t any festivities planned to celebrate, it still grabbed my attention. Recently, the Associated Press issued new guidelines stating that pregnancy resource […]

POV: The Transitioning of “American Girl”

When I was around seven years old, I would run out to our mailbox every day to see what the mailman brought. My daily hope was that it would contain the newest American Girl catalog. I would spend hours reading all about their newest dolls and accessories, letting my imagination run wild with all of […]