AT ISSUE: Balancing Act

AT ISSUE: Balancing Act

After a nearly eight-year hiatus, I am returning to once again take on the role of Communications Director here at NC Family. Besides returning to the job with some further education (academic and from the school of hard knocks), I also bring a bit more understanding of how to balance my desire to be a winsome disciple of Christ and an energetic citizen of this great country—both God-given responsibilities.

This issue of Family North Carolina is designed to help equip our readers to accomplish this ‘balancing act’ in their own lives. Each story in this magazine delivers insightful information on a topic that’s relevant and timely. However, beyond simply providing knowledge, there are some suggested talking points (in an accented color) and a perspective that helps you discuss these issues within your own community.

Our main feature article, “Daily Fantasy Sports: Is It Gambling?” is a great help to those of us who see countless advertisements for fantasy sports but don’t understand why it’s so dangerous. The fact that it’s a coordinated effort by powerful gambling enterprises to initiate teens and young adults into gambling is where we start.

The story, “Dangerous Exposure,” contains some startling information on how likely it is for children to be exposed to online pornography. Pornography can have a surprisingly devastating effect on a child’s spirit and even his or her relationship with mom and dad. The article offers some practical tips on keeping the lines of communication open with your children and setting up some technological safeguards on line.

Our article, “Constitutional Resistance,” grapples with the question: As Christians, should we consider last year’s Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage to be settled law? A large group of legal scholars has issued a challenge to consider how we might resist this redefinition of marriage in our own lives and communities.

Finally, we would be remiss if we did not weigh in on the spectacular chain of events ignited by a series of undercover videos, exposing the inner workings of Planned Parenthood. Our article starts with a quick overview, but also lays out some common misconceptions about the abortion giant and sets the record straight. There are some great talking points for you in this section!

Don’t miss all of the other fresh facts and perspectives sprinkled all throughout the magazine, including:

  • Excerpts from three of our favorite radio shows;
  • Some compelling quotes and stats;
  • A profile on retiring state representative Paul “Skip” Stam;
  • Tools to help you encourage fellow Christians to register and vote;
  • A 2016 election calendar;
  • And an insightful piece on the potential impact of evangelical voters from NC Family President John L. Rustin.

In this day and age when so much information is conveyed to you through electronic means, we are pleased to provide this lovely publication for you! We hope you find Family North Carolina magazine to be an invaluable resource, one that you can hold in your hands, tuck in your brief case, lay out on your coffee table, or pass along to a friend.

Traci DeVette Griggs is Director of Communications for the North Carolina Family Policy Council and is editor of Family North Carolina.