
  Magazine   Health & Sexuality | Sanctity of Life

AT ISSUE: And the Truth Will Set You Free

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:32

Over the last decade, Satan’s lies have been shouted from the rooftops. For example:

  • An unwanted child is a clump of cells, not a baby.
  • Some people were born in the wrong body.
  • Morality is outdated.

Because of lies like these:

  • Approximately 73 million babies are aborted worldwide each year.
  • Tens of thousands of individuals – including children – have undergone “gender-affirming hormone treatment” and/or “gender-affirming surgery”, permanently changing and sometimes mutilating their bodies- and causing lasting medical conditions.
  • Millions of people are hurt every day because of immorality, including things like crime, substance abuse, the consumption of pornographic materials, human trafficking, and much more.

The only way we can combat the damage done by these lies is by continuing to reveal the truth. While the Bible is the source of ultimate truth, in this issue, we’ve compiled several articles that help expose some of these lies.

Sharon Sullivan exposes the truth behind Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, an organization she founded. While Planned Parenthood has been touted as a “health care” entity that provides essential medical services to women, the truth is much less altruistic. Sanger was a racist and a strong supporter of eugenics, and while Planned Parenthood has tried to distance itself from this truth, the abortion industry is inextricably linked to the belief that some human beings are more valuable than others.

For my part, I had the opportunity to interview Payton McNabb, a former high school athlete who was severely injured by a biological male volleyball player on an opposing team. Her story reveals the truth that men and women are designed to be biologically different, and no amount of surgery or procedures can change that. God does not make mistakes, and He created every individual exactly the way He wanted them for His perfect plan.

Brittany Farrell got the chance to sit down with Pastor John Amanchukwu to discuss his new book Hoodwinked: 10 Lies Americans Believe and the Truth That Will Set Them Free. This discussion dispels ten critical lies that have deeply impacted our country and offers the truth of Christ in their place.

Finally, John Rustin takes a tangible look at how cultural movements are affecting North Carolina with his Legislative Preview. He outlines several of the key issues he anticipates will be top priorities at the General Assembly this year. 1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Part of our work at NC Family is seeking to speak and act in love—taking action to share truth with North Carolina legislators and citizens with the goal of supporting good laws that will help families thrive and opposing those that will harm. If you would like to join us in this effort, you can learn more at

Thank you for reading Family North Carolina. We hope you enjoy the content found in this edition. Please reach out to us to request more copies to share with friends, family, neighbors, churches, and more!


AnnaScott Cross is the Communications Director for the North Carolina Family Policy Council and is Editor of Family North Carolina.


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