Apply for Your “Choose Life” License Plate Now!

Apply for Your “Choose Life” License Plate Now!

Pro-life North Carolina motorists are a step closer to being able to display their love for life and support the work of pregnancy centers at the same time. After a March ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ended a five-year legal battle over whether North Carolina could offer a “Choose Life” license plate, pro-life advocates have redesigned the plate to meet revised specifications for specialty plates in North Carolina. Now that the redesign is complete, Tar Heel motorists can apply for the “Choose Life” plate to make a prominent pro-life statement while providing additional funding for pregnancy centers through the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship (CPCF).

The CPCF must collect 300 initial applications and submit those to the state before manufacturing of the plates can begin. Anyone who applied for the previous version of the plate will have to submit a new application. You can download an application at including directions on where to mail the completed form and check. Once manufacturing begins, the “Choose Life” plate will be available through local DMV offices.

For every “Choose Life” license plate sold, $15 of the $25 fee will be distributed to qualified pregnancy centers across North Carolina through the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship. Funds will be evenly distributed to qualified centers based on an application process open to over 65 pregnancy centers currently operating in state. These centers serve over 20,000 women and men each year by assisting them in making healthy, life-affirming choices for themselves and their unborn babies.

You can help push “Choose Life” plates over the finish line by ordering yours today!