ALERT: Urge Your State Representative to Oppose Bill Legalizing Daily Fantasy Sports Gambling!

ALERT: Urge Your State Representative to Oppose Bill Legalizing Daily Fantasy Sports Gambling!

A bill that would legalize harmful and particularly addictive online sports gambling took a major step forward in the NC General Assembly yesterday. The NC House Commerce Committee passed HB 929 – Gaming Commission Wednesday morning, with several committee members voting against it. According to the bill summary, HB 929 would 1) establish a North Carolina Gaming Commission, and 2) authorize the regulation of fantasy sports leagues.

But this summary does not reflect the dangerous problems inherent in this bill.

As NC Family President John L. Rustin stated in his address to the committee, HB 929 “simply requires these commercial gambling operations to register with the new state ‘Gaming Commission’ established by the bill […] Once a registration is approved, there is no active monitoring, oversight or enforcement” required by HB 929. While the newly created Gaming Commission could choose to impose further regulations once it is established, there are no specific provisions in HB 929 to direct what those regulations might be.

Furthermore, since North Carolina law essentially defines gambling as playing or betting on any game where elements of chance predominate over elements of skill, it cannot be denied that Daily Fantasy Sports is gambling. NC Family’s magazine article “Daily Fantasy Sports: Is It Gambling?” presents evidence supporting this fact. Yet, HB 929 states “Fantasy contests conducted pursuant to this Article do not constitute gambling, lotteries, gaming, or any activity or enterprise subject to or prohibited by Chapter 14, 16, or 19 of the General Statutes.” As Rustin pointed out, “this provision would completely exempt Daily Fantasy Sports gambling from the authority of all of these statutes, including the entirety of North Carolina’s Criminal Code in Chapter 14.”

“Online sports gambling and sports wagering in general is particularly addictive, especially among youth, and this bill would bring with it a myriad of economic and social problems for individuals, families, and communities in our state.”

Visit NC Family’s Action Center NOW to contact your NC House member and urge them to OPPOSE legalizing Daily Fantasy Sports!

Read Rustin’s complete address to the House Commerce Committee HERE.

HB 929 now heads to the House Judiciary Committee. Please help protect North Carolina from the harmful effects of online sports gambling! Urge your Representative to OPPOSE HB 929!