ALERT: Urge Your Senator to Vote Against Marijuana Legalization

ALERT: Urge Your Senator to Vote Against Marijuana Legalization

The NC Senate Rules Committee passed a bill today that would legalize marijuana for “medical” use across the state. Senate Bill 711, entitled “NC Compassionate Care Act,” would allow individuals with a “debilitating medical condition” to legally use marijuana and possess an amount that is “reasonably necessary to assure the uninterrupted availability of cannabis for a period of 30 days.” The bill would also establish a “medical cannabis supply system” for the production and distribution of cannabis and cannabis-infused products in North Carolina.

SB 711 could come to the Senate floor for a vote as early as today! We need your help to prevent this bill from becoming law in North Carolina!

Please visit NC Family’s Action Center NOW to contact your State Senator and urge him or her to OPPOSE this very concerning legislation!

NC Family Counsel Jere Royall addressed the Rules Committee today, and expressed some of NC Family’s reasons for opposing this legislation. Royall noted that marijuana has never been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, the American Medical Association has said it “believes that cannabis for medicinal use should not be legalized through the state legislative, ballot initiative, or referendum process.”

The legalization of marijuana for “medical” purposes has also opened the door to full-scale legalization in many other states.

NC Family recently documented the “medical marijuana myth” in our flagship publication, Family North Carolina magazine.

Please take a moment to contact your State Senator now!


Thank You!