ALERT: Urge State Senators to Stop Eugenic Abortions in NC!

ALERT: Urge State Senators to Stop Eugenic Abortions in NC!

A bill that would prohibit abortions in North Carolina because of the race of the unborn child or a diagnosis of Down syndrome is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Health Care Committee tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. As NC Family previously shared, HB 453 — Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics passed the State House by a bipartisan vote last month.

The bill is likely to move quickly through the State Senate, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Please visit NC Family’s Action Center right now to send an email to your State Senator and urge them to SUPPORT this critical pro-life legislation. It will only take a minute or two of your time but could help save the lives of countless unborn babies.

Every human life is worthy of dignity and respect—regardless of race, sex or genetic condition—and the lives of these precious, innocent babies must be valued and protected.

North Carolina’s laws should prevent discriminatory, eugenic abortions based on an inherent characteristic (like sex or race) or a disability.

Please TAKE ACTION NOW and help STOP EUGENIC ABORTIONS in North Carolina!

Thank You!