ALERT: Urge NC House to Override Veto and Save Babies from Eugenic Abortions

ALERT: Urge NC House to Override Veto and Save Babies from Eugenic Abortions

Governor Roy Cooper vetoed HB 453–Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics in late June. This bill would prevent a physician from performing an abortion if he or she knows the mother is seeking the abortion because of the presumed race or sex of the baby, or a diagnosis of Down Syndrome.

The NC House of Representatives is likely to hold a veto override vote as early as next week, and we need your help to push this override through!

Please visit NC Family’s Action Center NOW to urge your State House member to defend the lives of countless unborn babies whose race or sex is considered “undesirable,” or who have received a diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Visit NC Family’s Action Center NOW to urge your State Representative to OVERRIDE

 Governor Cooper’s veto of HB 453!

And there is one more thing you can do to help HB 453 become law! When the bill originally passed the State House, 6 Democrats broke from their party and voted in favor of this legislation. Please reach out to them directly and thank them for their support of life, and encourage them to remain strong in their support of HB 453!

House Dems HB453_bold.png

There is no time to waste! Please take a moment to make your voice heard by contacting your Representative through our Action Alert, and calling these 6 Democrat Representatives! Also, please pass this alert along to friends and family. Lives literally hang in the balance!

Thank you!