This morning, the North Carolina Senate took decisive action to pass a bill banning the sale of body parts or other remains of aborted children in North Carolina! House Bill 297-End Marketing/Sale Unborn Children Body Parts was approved by a 41-3 vote on the Senate floor and now returns to the House for consideration. The bill directs that, “No person shall sell the remains of an unborn child resulting from an abortion or a miscarriage, or any aborted or miscarried material,” and it creates a Class I felony offense for a violation of the law. The bill does provide that a mother may “donate the remains of her unborn child after a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage to a research facility for research…” with informed written consent
“We applaud the North Carolina Senate, and especially Senator Chad Barefoot who championed this measure, for helping defend the dignity of unborn children in our state,” said John L. Rustin, president of the North Carolina Family Policy Council. “It is absolutely tragic that such legislation is necessary in this day and age, but the callousness of the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood have been exposed, and the remains of babies who have lost their lives to abortion will be more properly honored now.”
Passage of the measure follows the release of a series of undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood executives and other staff callously picking through organs and other tissue from aborted babies and haggling over the price.
The North Carolina House could take swift action on HB 297, so please contact your State House member and urge him or her to support this bill, which will ban the sale of baby body parts in our state!
To identify your State House Member:
- Visit the “Who Represents Me?” page on the General Assembly website;
- Go to the NC House map and enter your address in the “Find address or place” window;
- Click on the map and then click on the “Open Member Page” link.
Then, call and/or email your State House Member and ask him or her to VOTE FOR HB 297!
Thank You!