ALERT: Join NC Family Monday In Urging State Leaders to Repeal Charlotte’s “Bathroom Ordinance”

ALERT: Join NC Family Monday In Urging State Leaders to Repeal Charlotte’s “Bathroom Ordinance”

NC Family president John L. Rustin is calling concerned citizens from across the state to join him at a noon press conference in Raleigh on Monday, March 21 to urge Gov. McCrory and our legislative leaders to hold a Special Session to repeal Charlotte’s dangerous “Bathroom Ordinance.”

“We need a great showing at this press conference to impress upon our state policy leaders the importance of repealing Charlotte’s misguided and hazardous ordinance change,” said Rustin. “Please join us at noon on Monday to take a stand for safety, privacy, and religious liberty!”

WHEN: Noon on Monday, March 21

WHERE: South steps of the Capitol Lawn in downtown Raleigh (facing Fayetteville Street)

WHY: To urge Gov. McCrory and Legislative leaders to hold a Special Session

WHO: NC Family, NC Values Coalition, Business Leaders, Faith Leaders, Concerned Parents, Students and Other Citizens

To learn more about the ordinance changes recently passed by the Charlotte City Council; why they are so dangerous; and why the Governor and N.C. General Assembly need to repeal them IN THEIR ENTIRETY prior to April 1, please read Rustin’s letter to Gov. McCrory, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger, and Speaker of the N.C. House Tim Moore.