ALERT: All Hands on Deck! Fight Against Repeal of House Bill 2

ALERT: All Hands on Deck! Fight Against Repeal of House Bill 2

We need your help to fight against efforts to repeal House Bill 2! The General Assembly is scheduled to return to Raleigh for another Special Session tomorrow (Wednesday, December 21) with plans to repeal House Bill 2. If this critically important common sense bill is repealed, there will be nothing to stop a Charlotte-style bathroom ordinance from being proposed in your city or county.

We need your help! We cannot fight against this repeal effort without you. You can help us by doing the following:

1. Contact your state lawmakers and tell them to vote NO on any effort to overturn House Bill 2. You can go to our “Take Action Page” to easily contact your state lawmakers.

 2. Come to the State Legislative Building in Downtown Raleigh tomorrow starting at 9:00 AM to meet with your lawmakers face-to-face and urge them to stand strong on House Bill 2. 

 3. Pray that our state leaders will change course and stand strong in defense of House Bill 2. They have defended privacy, safety and dignity to this point, and there is no reason for them to back down now!

The Human Rights Campaign and Equality NC, two of the groups behind Charlotte’s bathroom ordinance, are the same groups behind this recent push for repeal. They have even said that after House Bill 2 is repealed they “look forward to working with Governor-elect Cooper to win… community by community and statewide.” That means that a Charlotte-style bathroom ordinance could be coming to a community near you!

We realize that many of you may be tired following this year’s contentious election and all that has transpired with House Bill 2, but we must join together to make one last effort to ensure the privacy and safety of women and children in 2016! 

Please Take Action!