ACTION ALERT: Urge Your State Legislators to Protect Innocent Human Life!

ACTION ALERT: Urge Your State Legislators to Protect Innocent Human Life!

A number of significant pro-life bills have been filed in the N.C. General Assembly, and one or more of these bills could come up for consideration as early as this week. NC Family needs your help to urge our state lawmakers to support these critical life-saving measures!

Please visit NC Family’s Action Center today to easily and quickly contact your State House and State Senate members in support of the following bills designed to protect innocent human life in North Carolina:

  • SB 359 & HB 602 will protect the lives of newborn babies who are born alive after a failed abortion;
  • SB 547 & HB 603 will ban abortion in North Carolina after an unborn child is able to feel pain;
  • SB 51 & HB 54 will ban dismemberment abortions in North Carolina;
  • SB 52 & HB 53 will help inform women that it is possible to reverse the abortion process after taking abortion-inducing drugs.

TAKE ACTION: Please join NC Family as we urge our state lawmakers to support these important and necessary bills! You can easily contact your state legislators through NC Family’s Action Center.

Stay Tuned! We are hearing that one or more of these bills may be coming up for consideration as early as this week! When that happens, it will be very important to have a strong showing at the General Assembly in support of these bills. You can take a strong stand for life by attending committee meetings and the House and Senate Sessions where these bills will be considered! NC Family will send out additional alerts as we learn more, so please stay tuned!