We invite you to join us in a rally this coming Monday, April 25, that will show support for our legislators and encourage them to STAND FIRM on House Bill 2. The NC General Assembly returns to Raleigh that same day, and we must communicate a strong statement of support to show our legislators and the nation that we need their common sense Bathroom Safety and Privacy law.
- What: Rally to Support HB2
- Where: Halifax Mall
- When: Monday, April 25 at 12:00 PM
- Why: Tell Our Leaders to Stand Strong on HB2
As most of you know, in past few weeks we have come under the attack of national special interest groups who are determined to make an example out of North Carolina. They want to force North Carolina to embrace their radical left-wing agenda. North Carolina has led the way in standing up to these special interest groups, and now we are paying the price. Other states are watching us to see if these groups can be stopped.
Will you join us on Monday and show the nation that North Carolina stands firm in its commitment to safety, privacy and religious liberty?