Search Results for: HB 2

A Flagrant Case of Media Bias: A Case Study

For over a month, stories about House Bill 2 dominated The News & Observer in Raleigh. According to our analysis, the newspaper published 161 READ MORE

Opposition Orchestration: Business Opposition Not Spontaneous

While LGBT activist groups would like for us all to believe that the opposition to HB2 was a spontaneous uprising of indignation among the READ MORE
Kellie Fiedorek discussess marriage and religious freedom

What Does Title IX Really Say?

NC Family president John Rustin talks with Kellie Fiedorek, legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, about the escalating national battle over the Obama Administration’s READ MORE

AT ISSUE: A Startling End Game

The furor over House Bill 2 in North Carolina has crystalized, as never before, the fact that our freedom to live as Christians in READ MORE
corporate opposition to HB2

Opposition Orchestration: Business Opposition Not Spontaneous

DOWNLOAD ENTIRE ARTICLE (with images and endnotes) While LGBT activist groups would like for us all to believe that the opposition to HB2 was a READ MORE
N&O Media Bias

A Flagrant Case of Media Bias: A Case Study

DOWNLOAD ENTIRE ARTICLE (with images and endnotes) For over a month, stories about House Bill 2 dominated The News & Observer in Raleigh. According to READ MORE

A Flagrant Case of Media Bias: A Case Study

For months now, stories about House Bill 2 have dominated The News & Observer in Raleigh. According to an analysis conducted by NC Family staff, the READ MORE

N.C. General Assembly Approves “Syringe Exchange Programs”

In a somewhat clandestine move in the closing days of the 2016 Legislative Session, the N.C. General Assembly has legalized “needle and hypodermic syringe READ MORE

Doubling of Lottery Advertising Dropped From State Budget!

A provision that would have doubled the advertising budget for the North Carolina lottery was dropped during final negotiations over the state Budget Bill READ MORE

N.C. Congressional Districts Going Back To U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court will once again scrutinize North Carolina’s new congressional voting districts. This is the second time North Carolina’s attempt to redraw READ MORE

The Differences Between Moms and Dads

NC Family president John Rustin talks with Glenn Stanton, Ph.D., director of family formation studies at Focus on the Family, about the key differences READ MORE

ALERT: N.C. Senate Budget Would Double Lottery Advertising!

The North Carolina Senate has given initial approval to its version of a state spending plan for the 2016-2017 fiscal year, including a provision READ MORE
Lucy Dadayan discusses the Lottery

The Lottery—An Unreliable Source of State Revenue

NC Family president John Rustin talks with Lucy Dadayan, senior policy analyst for the Rockefeller Institute for Government in New York State, about a READ MORE

Calling Pastors & Other Church Leaders!

This Tuesday, May 24 there will be a press conference to show support for House Bill 2. Pastors and other church leaders are invited READ MORE

Gov. McCrory Takes US Department of Justice to Court!

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory is taking the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) to court, seeking a declaratory judgment against the USDOJ’s “radical reinterpretation” of federal READ MORE
Carey Casey discusses responsible fathered

Being a Championship Father

This week, “Family Policy Matters” features a portion of a keynote address on responsible fatherhood that Carey Casey of the National Center for Fathering READ MORE

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