Search Results for: HB 2

How to Read the News

This week on Family Policy Matters, host Traci DeVette Griggs welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Bilbro, author of the new book Reading the Times: A Literary READ MORE

Sticking to the FACTS with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson

Last month, NC Family shared about North Carolina’s new Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson’s initiative to combat bias, indoctrination, and discrimination in our state’s education READ MORE

Eugenic Ban Passes NC House | Born-Alive Bill Passes Senate Committee

The North Carolina House of Representatives passed House Bill 453—Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics, by 67-42 bipartisan vote this afternoon. As NC Family has shared, this READ MORE

The Theology of Home

Here at NC Family, we are dedicated to preserving and protecting the family, which we know is one of the most foundational building blocks READ MORE

House Committee Rejects Bill That Would Effectively Legalize Adultery in NC

The N.C. House Judiciary 2 Committee rejected a bill yesterday that, in effect, would have legalized adultery in North Carolina by abolishing the civil READ MORE

The COVID-19 Divorce Paradox

As the COVID-19 pandemic began a little over a year ago, and married couples were forced to spend far more time at home together, READ MORE

Federal Appeals Court Affirms Protections for Unborn Babies with Down Syndrome

As North Carolina lawmakers consider a bill that would ban abortion when the doctor knows the mother’s decision is based on the “presence or READ MORE

The Modern Genocide of the Uyghur People

Note: This radio show deals with mature subject matter that may not be appropriate for young children. Many of us may think that genocide READ MORE

Families and Lawmakers Affirm School Choice Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic

The rates of children being schooled at home have risen dramatically since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a recent survey released by the READ MORE

Bill Would Prohibit Abortion in NC Due to Race, Down Syndrome

In 2013, the N.C. General Assembly passed a bill to prohibit “sex-selective abortions” in North Carolina, where the sex of the unborn child is READ MORE

ACTION ALERT: Help Save Women’s Sports in North Carolina!

A bill has been filed in the North Carolina General Assembly to preserve girls’ and women’s sports in middle school, high school, and at READ MORE

The Real Victims of Transgender Ideology (Part 1)

If you’ve been tuned into recent activities in our nation’s capital, or if you’ve been responding to NC Family’s multiple Action Alerts, you’re undoubtedly READ MORE

United for Life (Part 1)

In 1971, a year before the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, Americans United for Life (AUL) was founded as the nation’s first pro-life organization. READ MORE

POV: Going Beyond the Mexico City Policy

This January marked the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion across America. And recently, President Joe Biden rescinded the Mexico City Policy, READ MORE

POV: Lessons from Lincoln

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about where America finds herself as we enter into 2021. Last week’s inauguration, the READ MORE

A Time for Hope and Prayer, Not Despair!

As the dust begins to settle from the events of the first week of 2021, many Americans are reconsidering their wish that the now READ MORE

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