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Past Events

Snow Doesn’t Stop Greenville From Honoring Barronelle Stutzman!
A rare late-season snowfall threatened to put a freeze on NC Family’s Greenville Dinner Monday evening, but that didn’t frighten our guests or deter them from showing up to hear the story of

Snow Doesn’t Stop Greenville From Honoring Barronelle Stutzman!
A rare late-season snowfall threatened to put a freeze on NC Family’s Greenville Dinner Monday evening, but that didn’t frighten our guests or deter them from showing up to hear the story of

Values Bus Tour Coming to a Town Near You!
Exciting news! Today marks the beginning of the Values Bus Tour, an effort by FRC Action and Concerned Women for America to help mobilize voters across the state to show up on November

Great Resource On The Way For NC Voters!
Traci Griggs, NC Family Director of Communications interviews NC Family President John L. Rustin about the vital importance of this year’s election, the NC Family voter guide, and what listeners can do to

See You at the Pole!
For the last 25 years, students around the world have gathered at their flagpoles before school on a particular morning for one simple reason—to pray for each other. On September 28, at 7:00

Franklin Graham’s “Decision America” Prayer Rally One Month Away
Mark your calendars and make plans to join Franklin Graham for prayer in Raleigh at the State Capitol on October 13! Just one month from today, Franklin Graham’s 2016 “Decision America Tour” will be