Marriage & Parenting: radio

Greater Threats on the Horizon (Part 2)

Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino spoke at NC Family’s Charlotte READ

Greater Threats on the Horizon (Part 1)

Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino spoke at NC Family’s Charlotte READ

Breaking Down Congress’s Budget-Busting Bills

As Governor Roy Cooper signs the state budget into law this week, two federal spending bills have been making their way through Congress, and READ

Fighting Indoctrination in Public Schools

As many parents have gotten an up-close look at their children’s school curriculum thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been shocked to see READ

Awake, Not Woke (Part 2)

While the “woke” movement claims to be putting an end to discrimination and oppression, the truth is actually the opposite. The woke agenda often READ

Awake, Not Woke (Part 1)

The phrase “being woke” has become synonymous with radical progressive ideologies including transgender activism, Critical Race Theory, and often neo-Marxist policies. Those not viewed READ

How to Pass Down Your Faith to Your Children

Any Christian parent has likely experienced some amount of anxiety or worry about passing down their faith to their children. This difficult task is READ

Working-Class Americans & Family Policy

The Institute for Family Studies (IFS) recently released a report entitled “Working-Class Americans’ Views on Family Policy.” The report drew its results from a READ

The Life and Legacy of Senator James Forrester

In 2012, 61 percent of North Carolina voters voted to add the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman READ

Stop Removing Parents from the Equation

Many Americans have heard about or in some cases even felt the growing assault on parental rights in recent years. Decisions that have for READ

COVID-19 and a Baby Boomlet?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic began, birthrates in America had been steadily falling since the 2007-2008 Great Recession. During 2020, as most of us stayed READ

How to Build a Biblical Worldview in Your Children

Our friends at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. have recently started a new Center for Biblical Worldview, featuring resources to help parents, students, READ

A Record Year for School Choice

North Carolina recently released the enrollment numbers for the 2020-2021 school year, and while many expected schools of choice to see a rise in READ

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