Marriage & Parenting: magazine

The Dark History Behind Planned Parenthood

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, the issue of abortion has been at the center of social, political, and medical conversations READ

2023 Legislative Session Summary

The 2023 Legislative Session of the N.C. General Assembly proved to be an incredibly busy, intense, and drama-filled session with quite a number of READ

AT ISSUE: Prioritizing What Matters

This has been quite the year so far! The North Carolina General Assembly has been busy working on bills covering everything from the sanctity READ
North Carolina Legislative Preview

2023 Legislative Session Preview

The 2023 Regular Legislative Session of the North Carolina General Assembly is currently underway, and it is likely to be an eventful term. Lawmakers READ

Mama Bear 101: How to Protect Your Kids

Parents are becoming increasingly aware of the myriad of overt and subtle ways individuals and organizations today attempt to sever the parent-child connection. From READ

AT ISSUE: A Life or Death Game of Chance

When I was about 4 months gestation inside my mother, my parents got an Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) test. This test lets parents know if the READ

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