Education: blog

Little girl wearing blue backpack on a sidewalk in an urban area

State Senate Committee Approves Bill to Expand Opportunity Scholarships

This morning, the N.C. Senate Committee on Education/Higher Education approved SB 406—Choose Your School, Choose Your Future, which would expand eligibility for North Carolina’s READ
Mom and dad sitting at table with daughter helping with homework

Congress Considering Federal Parents’ Bill of Rights

The U.S. House recently passed H.R. 5 – Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would help ensure the rights of parents regarding the health READ

New Resource Helps NC Parents Choose the Best School for Their Child

Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) recently released significant upgrades to the website NC Schools Around Me, an online database of schools READ

POV: The Rights Side of Parenting

“With great power comes great responsibility.” This line can be traced in various forms to former leaders like Winston Churchill, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, READ

“REACH Act” Would Require Instruction in Founding Documents

UPDATE (3/27/24): The NC REACH Act passed the NC House and has been taken up by the NC Senate, where it passed the first READ
kindergarten work space at school with paper, child's hands, and scissors

What Is (and Is Not) In the Parents’ Bill of Rights

The North Carolina Senate passed SB 49–Parents’ Bill of Rights on Tuesday, February 7. As the bill was considered in the Senate Education/Higher Education, READ
kindergarten work space at school with paper, child's hands, and scissors

Parents’ Bill of Rights Passes NC Senate

This afternoon, the N.C. Senate passed SB 49, more commonly known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, on a party-line vote of 29-18, with READ
kindergarten work space at school with paper, child's hands, and scissors

Parents’ Bill of Rights Moves Forward in NC Senate

(UPDATE: On Thursday morning, February 2, the N.C. Senate Health Care Committee approved SB 49. The bill now proceeds to the Senate Rules Committee READ

Celebrating School Choice Week in North Carolina

This week across the country, people are coming together to celebrate what is known as National School Choice Week. What started years ago as READ

North Carolina Teacher Fired After Critiquing Critical Race Theory

Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a lawsuit against the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction on behalf of Dr. David Phillips, an English professor READ

Event: Pray for North Carolina

This Saturday, August 20, numerous North Carolina leaders will be gathering for a statewide Pray North Carolina in front of the State Capitol Building. READ

UNC Student Government Defunds Pro-Life Groups

UPDATE: After posting our story, NC Family was contacted by officials at UNC-Chapel Hill, who told us that the Student Senate—not the Student Body READ

State Lawmakers Pass Budget and Adjourn “Short” Legislative Session

The North Carolina General Assembly adjourned the 2022 “Short” Legislative Session this afternoon after giving final approval to a $27.9 billion state budget. House Bill READ

SCOTUS Continues to Defend Religious Liberty

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has issued nearly twenty rulings in the past two weeks as the current session comes to a close. While READ

State Senate Committees Pass “Parents’ Bill of Rights”

This week, the N.C. Senate Education and Health Care Committees passed an amended version of HB 755, originally called Academic Transparency and now entitled READ

Join NC Family at the Homeschool Thrive! Conference

Please plan to join NC Family, along with numerous school choice advocates and homeschool organizations, in attending a special homeschool conference starting this Thursday, READ

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