

Local Citizens Stand to Protect Students

Comprehensive sex education developed by Planned Parenthood was moving into nine middle schools in Cumberland County recently until a small group of concerned citizens READ MORE

POV: An Important Lesson in a Divided Time

While I was in college, I spent some time volunteering for a ministry at a local high school. During my time helping to lead READ MORE

“No Abortion Bonds Act” Introduced in U.S. House

The U.S House is considering a bill that would close a legal loophole that currently allows cities, counties, and states to issue federally tax-exempt READ MORE

NC Family Signs Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court in Sports Gambling Case

NC Family signed onto a friend-of-the-court brief to the United States Supreme Court this week opposing the expansion of gambling in question in Christie READ MORE

Legislative Leaders File Motion to Dismiss HB 2/HB 142 Lawsuit

State legislative leaders have asked a Federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit challenging House Bill 142, the “replacement” bill for North Carolina’s House Bill READ MORE

Governor Roy Cooper Mandates Open Bathrooms Across N.C.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper took sweeping action on Wednesday issuing an Executive Order that will allow men to enter women’s public bathrooms, showers, READ MORE

NC Family Presents “Life & Liberty Awards” at Charlotte Dinner

Last night at our annual Charlotte Dinner, NC Family was proud to present our “Life & Liberty Award” to two lawmakers who, according to READ MORE

POV: Lean Across The Aisle

I remember when it happened to me. I was sitting in a conference room at NC State University as a part of a group READ MORE

POV: Honoring the Least of These

Floods of memories wash over me whenever I meet someone with special needs. Thirteen years ago, I lost my sister, Hannah, who had special READ MORE

Trump Administration Takes Major Actions to Protect Religious Liberty

The Trump Administration took two major actions on October 6 in an effort to further protect religious liberty in our nation. First, the U.S. READ MORE

U.S. House Passes Nationwide 20-Week Abortion Ban!

The U.S. House of Representatives took the first step in banning late-term abortions yesterday when it passed H.R. 36—Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act by READ MORE

POV: A Scourge that North Carolina Needs to Eliminate

In preparation for NC lawmakers returning to Raleigh this week for a special session, NC Family President John L. Rustin wrote the following opinion READ MORE
Back of U.S. Supreme Court

NC Family Signs Amicus Brief to SCOTUS in Student Privacy Case

NC Family signed onto an important friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court last week in Kenosha v. Whitaker, a case out of Wisconsin READ MORE

ACTION ALERT: Urge Your U.S. House Member to Support a Nationwide 20-Week Abortion Ban!

Congressional leaders are taking action to protect life, and they need your help!  Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the U.S. House Majority Leader, announced Tuesday READ MORE

Be a Voice of Persuasion in Your Community Next Month!

Over the next several weeks, Christian North Carolinians will have a number of opportunities to stand up as voices of persuasion in our communities. READ MORE

NC a National Leader in Free Speech on College Campuses

North Carolina has been recognized by Alliance Defending Freedom as one of the leading states in the nation when it comes to protecting free READ MORE