North Carolina’s 2022 primary election is just three weeks away. After having been pushed back due to litigation over redistricting, the primary is set READ MORE
Our friends at the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington D.C. are once again hosting a Stand Courageous Men’s Conference in North Carolina, and READ MORE
The highest courts in our state and nation have long recognized the constitutionally protected right of parents to raise their children. Despite this understanding READ MORE
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to block a new North Carolina congressional map from going into effect for the 2022 election cycle. READ MORE
NC Family, along with Family Policy Alliance and twenty-eight other state Family Policy Councils, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court today READ MORE
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who was appointed in 1994, announced last month that he would be stepping down from the high court, READ MORE
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that directly addresses the conflict between the First Amendment’s Free Speech clause and LGBTQ READ MORE
In a victory for religious freedom and First Amendment rights, Love Life ministry in Charlotte has reached a settlement with Guilford County in a READ MORE
The North Carolina General Assembly is in Raleigh this week to focus on redrawing state legislative and congressional district maps after the North Carolina READ MORE
The North Carolina Supreme Court has concluded that the state’s new legislative and congressional district maps violate the State Constitution, and that they must READ MORE
Thousands of pro-life Americans will march in Washington, DC tomorrow in the 49th Annual March for Life. The theme for this year’s March is “Equality Begins READ MORE