Reframing Foster Care to Independence

Miriam Cobb, founder and director of The Empty Frames Initiative, discusses how Empty Frames reaches out to young people who are aging out of foster care, and how relationships and community are essential to the ability to live independently. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Reframing Foster Care to Independence THOMAS GRAHAM: Thank you for joining us for […]

Is Church Optional?

Joe Carter, an editor for The Gospel Coalition and of the NIV Lifehacks Bible, discusses why many Christians do not attend church, the importance of attendance, and how pastors and parishioners can better welcome visitors, particularly Millennials, into their congregations. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Is Church Optional? THOMAS GRAHAM: Thank you for joining us for this […]

POV: To Shepherds Keeping Watch Over Their Flocks This Christmas

At Christmastime, one of my richest blessings is hearing the profound affirmation from pastors of how vital and celebratory the Christmas message is. The pastors I know love their flocks and desire to help them experience God incarnate with awe and joy. They also know how subtly the typical holiday details of family togetherness, gift […]

How The Christian Faith Can Contribute To The Common Good

Bruce Ashford discusses the Christian faith and public life, church and state

Bruce Ashford, Provost and Professor of Theology and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, discusses how Christianity applies to the many facets of public life and how we as Christians can bear witness to our faith in ways that contribute to the common good. Family Policy Matters Transcript: How The Christian Faith Can Contribute To […]

Serving Christ Through Compassionate And Accessible Healthcare

Susanne Berger, the Board Chair of Neighbor Health Center, a new faith-based health center that seeks to serve Christ by providing primary care to patients of all ages regardless of whether they have health insurance discusses her personal story of faith and vocation, as well as the mission and story of Neighbor Health Center. Family […]

Walking With Mothers In Tangible Ways On A College Campus

Debbie Capen, Executive Director of MiraVia, a pregnancy care center on the campus of Belmont Abbey College, discusses her personal story and the mission of MiraVia. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Walking With Mothers In Tangible Ways On A College Campus Thank you for joining us for this week’s special Focus on Faith edition of Family […]

Integrating Faith And Medical Care

Patrick O'Connell discusses religious beliefs while being a primary care physician

Dr. Patrick O’Connell, founder of Sentinel Primary Care, discusses his personal journey of faith and vocation, as well as, how he integrates his religious beliefs into his work as a primary care physician. Family Policy Matters Transcript: Integrating Faith and Medical Care Thank you for joining us for this week’s special Focus on Faith edition […]

An Invitation To Engage With The History, Impact, and Narrative Of The Bible

Jeremy Burton talks about the Museum of the Bible

Jeremy Burton, Director of Communications at the Museum of the Bible, discusses the background story, mission, and amenities of the new Museum of the Bible located in Washington D.C.. Family Policy Matters Transcript: An Invitation To Engage With The History, Impact, and Narrative Of The Bible Thank you for joining us for this week’s special […]

POV: Rev. Billy Graham—“Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Few men have inspired me as a person, truth-seeker and church pastor like the Rev. Billy Graham. Both his message and manner have had enormous impact on me and millions of people across the world. He epitomized hope and encouragement and his name evokes images of some of history’s largest gatherings of people on record. […]

POV: Our Listening Skill & God’s Genius

While watching some of the recent coverage of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, I joyfully marveled again at the God-given human athletic skill on display. Our wise Creator’s genius in the human body comes spectacularly to life in this global competition every four years. And every time I view these games, Psalm […]