Pornhub Removes Millions of Videos, But Many Are Calling for an Entire Shutdown

*Disclaimer: This story contains sensitive content* In response to intense pressure from anti-trafficking organizations, Pornhub—one of the largest free pornography websites—removed 10 million unverified videos. The porn site attributed this decision to the work of Traffickinghub, Exodus Cry, and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. These changes come after a wave of efforts to fight […]

Push to Decriminalize Marijuana Happening on State and National Levels

In a historic move, the U.S. House passed a bill last week that would remove marijuana from the federal schedule of controlled substances and eliminate federal criminal penalties for anyone who manufactures, distributes, or possesses marijuana. This is the first time that a chamber of the U.S. Congress has voted on decriminalizing marijuana on the […]

NC Family Signs Letter Exposing “Sex Text-Line”

The North Carolina Family Policy Council—along with seven other family policy councils from around the country—has signed on to a letter to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services that highlights alleged violations of Title V as it relates to child health services and abstinence education programs. The open letter, authored by The Family […]

Victory for First Amendment Rights on Campus

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced a new rule that aims to protect the First Amendment rights of students, teachers, and student organizations at public colleges and universities. The final rule, entitled Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities, serves to defend First Amendment rights in two primary ways. First, in […]

POV: The Prevalence of Busyness, and What We Should Do About It

As I have attempted to find some sense of normalcy in this season that has been so impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, I have noticed a surprising and concerning tendency resurfacing in my life—a desire for busyness. Before the pandemic, I attended school in New York City, the epitome of hustle and bustle. In the […]

COVID-19’s Expected Yet Unintended Effects on Mental Health

Since the advent of COVID-19, every day seems to bring with it an abundance of new challenges, announcements, and information that have created a high level of general uncertainty with seemingly no end date. In the midst of this, or perhaps because of it, expected yet unintended effects on mental health have emerged. At the […]

State Department Releases 2020 Report on Human Trafficking

The U.S. Department of State estimates that 25 million adults and children are victims of sex trafficking or forced labor across the world. The Department’s recent release of its 2020 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report marks the 20thanniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act—a crucial anti-trafficking law, which established the Office to Monitor and Combat […]

Trump Executive Order Seeks To Improve Foster Care & Adoption

According to national statistics, more than 400,000 children nationwide are in foster care, and of those, more than 124,000 are waiting for adoption. Over half of those waiting for adoption have been in foster care for two years or longer, and each year nearly 20,000 youth age out of foster care without a permanent home. […]

U.S. Department of State Releases 2019 International Religious Freedom Report

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of State made the 2019 International Religious Freedom Report available. The yearly report, required by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, outlines the status of religious freedom in every country and how U.S. policies work to advocate for religious freedom across the globe. To produce this report, U.S. embassies […]

Nebraska Supreme Court Accepts Legal Challenge To No-Fault Divorce

The Supreme Court of Nebraska has agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the state’s no-fault divorce law. The challenge is based on a complaint for divorce that began in 2018, and the defendant’s attorney is arguing that no-fault divorce violates his client’s constitutional right to due process and equal protection under the law. A […]