Tonight, the Senate Rules Committee passed Senate Bill 405—Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and now the bill is scheduled to appear for a vote on the Senate floor TOMORROW! We need your help to pass this critical, life-saving legislation!
If you have not yet contacted your state senator, please Take Action RIGHT NOW and urge them to support SB 405!
As NC Family has shared, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require a physician performing an abortion to provide life-saving care to any baby who is born alive after a failed abortion attempt. For further information on the details of this legislation, refer to NC Family’s Issue Brief on SB 405.
Again, the North Carolina Senate is voting TOMORROW on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and we need all hands on deck to urge your senators to support SB 405!
Visit NC Family’s Action Center NOW!
Thank you!