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VIDEO | NC Family Weekly Update | Week of February 12, 2023

Welcome to NC Family’s Friday Update, a new weekly video series where we will share the highlights of the past week at the N.C. General Assembly and beyond. In this episode, we cover:

  • Senate Bill 3, which would legalize marijuana for “medical” purposes in North Carolina;
  • A legal challenge by 23 attorneys general (not including North Carolina’s) to the FDA and Biden Administration’s efforts to make abortifacient drugs much more accessible in the U.S.;
  • North Carolina’s recently announced $3.25 Billion budget surplus;
  • The implications of this week’s bipartisan approval of the N.C. House Permanent Rules;
  • and An attack on the Director of South Dakota’s Family Policy Council for saying the safest place for children is in an intact, two-parent family with a mother and father.

Plus, meet the newest member of our Government Relations team!


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