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ALERT: NC Attorneys—Please Oppose State Bar “SOGI” Proposal!

Once again, the North Carolina State Bar has sent to the North Carolina Supreme Court a proposed amendment to the Preamble of the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys that would include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes. As NC Family warned when the State Bar considered this amendment in June, setting these values for the legal profession in North Carolina has significant implications for the practice of law in our state.

While we agree that all people should be treated with courtesy, honesty, dignity, and respect, the State Bar should not attempt to force attorneys to accept policies that promote controversial lifestyles and behavior choices, especially those that run counter to their sincerely held religious and moral beliefs about marriage, human sexuality, and personal privacy. Adding the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Preamble would create a protected status for behaviors that many understand from Biblical, moral, medical, scientific, and social research to be harmful to children and adults physically, psychologically, and spiritually.

All concerned attorneys need to make their voices heard!

The North Carolina Supreme Court has the final say on proposed amendments for the State Bar, and it did not approve a measure with similar language roughly a decade ago. Attorneys across the state wrote the Justices and expressed concerns that the adoption of these terms in State Bar policy would violate some attorneys’ rights to Free Speech, Free Exercise, and Free Association.

We are calling on all North Carolina attorneys to once again express these concerns with the Justices and protect these priceless freedoms!

The proposed amendment to the Preamble reads:

[6] The North Carolina Constitution requires that “right and justice shall be administered without favor, denial, or delay.” Public confidence in the justice system is strengthened when all participants are treated equally, fairly, honestly, and respectfully within the system. A lawyer, as a representative of and crucial contributor to the justice system, should foster public confidence in the administration of justice by treating all persons the lawyer encounters in a professional capacity equally, courteously, respectfully, and with dignity regardless of a person’s race, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or socioeconomic status.

Concerned attorneys are encouraged to either:

  1. Add your signature to a letter prepared by attorney Daniel Gibson with the Stam Law Firm, which you can read HERE. To add your name to this letter, contact Daniel Gibson by October 30 at (919) 642-8977 or
  2. Prepare and submit your own comments to the NC Supreme Court by November 1.

In the signature line of the letter, be sure to include your full name, your NC Bar number, and your full primary address as listed with the NC Bar.

You can write the justices separately or together:

Chief Justice Paul Newby

Senior Associate Justice Robin Hudson

Associate Justice Samuel Ervin IV

Associate Justice Michael Morgan

Associate Justice Anita Earls

Associate Justice Philip Berger Jr.

Associate Justice Tamara Barringer

Their mailing address is:
Supreme Court of North Carolina
Clerk’s Office
P.O. Box 1841
Raleigh, NC 27602-1841

The letter needs to be carbon copied to:

Alice Neece Mine

The North Carolina State Bar

PO Box 25908

Raleigh, NC 27611

Everyone’s feedback helps! Because of the comments that were submitted earlier this year on another proposal dealing with “implicit bias and cultural differences,” the State Bar sent the proposal “back to subcommittee for further study.”

NC Family will continue to update you as this issue unfolds.


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